Demonstrations break around the world as people spontaneously take the streets, after new information surfaced regarding a gadget released by one tech company is somewhat similar to a gadget released previously by another company.
Pope Francis took some time after the homily to address the worried thousands of catholics gathered in the Vatican last Sunday. Pope claims he’ll offer to mediate between companies, to ensure agreeable and amicable terms before any sort of escalation.
Chinese Premier Xi Jinping and United States’ President Barack Obama also made a joint press conference at the G7 meeting in Japan, claiming this sort of behaviour to be “unacceptable“ as well as “distasteful”.
Jane Gutierrez, respected copyright attorney, was quoted “rectangles of metal with rounded borders and a black screen on one side doesn’t have to look similar. There are literally half a dozen ways to design a modern smartphone. Companies can’t just go around ripping each other designs“.